Battery Phobia is a Monster To Conquer!

As the world continues to rely more and more on technology, batteries have become a crucial component in the works of many devices. Everything from smartphones to electric cars, batteries power the technology that we use daily. However, some people experience battery phobia or the fear of their device’s battery running out of charge. Especially myself, I plug in my phone and my other devices as often as I can, but that isn’t necessarily good for the batteries either. One of the most common sources of battery phobia is in relation to electric cars. Although electric cars have many benefits, including being environmentally more friendly and somewhat cheaper to maintain, some people are still hesitant to switch from traditional gasoline-powered vehicles because of their fear of running out of battery power on the road. This fear is often compounded by the limited range of some electric cars, even with some models only able to travel around 270 miles or so, before needing a recharge. However, fast-charging stations are becoming more widespread, making it easier to recharge your car quickly and get back on the road. ( They tell me fast charging is hard on the battery packs also.) Another common source of battery phobia is in relation to smartphones and other mobile devices. As smartphones have become more powerful, their battery life has struggled to keep up, especially with bigger display screens. Many people find themselves constantly checking their phone’s battery level and anxiously searching for a charger when it starts to run past half-charge! (That’s me for sure!) To alleviate this anxiety, there are several things you can do. First, make sure to close out any apps you’re not using, as these can drain your battery very quickly. Additionally, consider carrying a portable charger or battery pack with you, so you can recharge your phone on the go. I have to keep a big “supercharger” in my car and keep it charged, just in case the car dies and I cannot charge my phone from the car’s 12-volt system. (I know, paranoid.) Ultimately, while battery phobia is a real concern for some people, it’s important to remember that batteries are a necessary component of modern tech. By staying informed about advances in battery technology and taking steps to conserve your device’s battery life, you can help alleviate your fears and enjoy the many benefits of modern technology.