Damn I’m Fat Again: Week 3

Howdy again, friends, family, fiends, foes, and all of my funky folk fans!
Well, here we are — week 3 of this same old tale called “Trying Not to Be Fat Again.” I’m not going to sugarcoat it (pun intended, he he), but I am going to tell it like it really is. Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned in this wild ride of life, it’s that the road to losing weight is more like a stock market graphic than a straight line. Ups and downs, twists and turns — and maybe a whole lot of screaming and hanging on for dear life. Mostly from me when I pass by a burger joint and resist the urge to dive headfirst into a double cheeseburger, fries and a strawberry shake.
But let’s rewind for a second and catch up. The last time I talked about this, I was in that glorious honeymoon phase of eating right and maybe, just maybe, even getting cocky about it. You know how it is — Week 1 and you’re on top of the world, meal-prepping like a pro, exercise going strong, and you’re thinking, Hey, this ain’t so bad, I am doing ok,and I am fine. But Week 3 is where reality checks you into the boards, like a hockey player getting slammed into the glass, and hard.
The Temptation Trap
Let’s talk about temptation. It’s everywhere. I mean everywhere. At home, at work, on TV, on the radio (even during my show on SKY7music.com, the station might run an ad for a pizza place, it seems just to mess with me). And this time of year, the temptations get even worse because every store is putting out their holiday goodies and treats. There’s a part of me that swears those rice krispie treat bars are plotting my demise.
Here’s the thing about temptation: It doesn’t care that you’re trying to eat healthy or that you’ve been hitting the gym. It lurks, waiting for the moment when your willpower is at its lowest — like, say, when you’ve had a long day and that BBQ joint smells like it’s screaming your name. I had one of those moments last week. It was late, I was tired, and bam! next thing I know, I’m trying my best not to let my car steer itself into a rib joint or a taco shack.
Look, I’m not saying you can’t indulge a little every now and then, but man, those indulgences can add up quick. One minute, you’re having a “cheat snack,” and the next, you’re wondering how you gained 3 pounds overnight. Been there, done that, still regretting it.
The Gym: Love-Hate Relationship
Now, let’s talk about the gym. I’m not going to lie, folks, I hate going to the gym. I would rather walk a few miles on my own around the area near my home. The gyms in my area all smell like a well-worn sweat sock, and I just can’t do it. But here’s what I’ve come to realize in the interim: consistency is key. Even on those days when I’d rather do anything else (and I mean anything), getting out there and doing something is better than skipping it altogether. It’s like classic rock — sometimes you’re in the mood for Zeppelin, and other times, you just need to chill with some Fleetwood Mac or Dave Mason. But no matter what, the music keeps playing, and that’s how you’ve got to approach exercise.
Am I perfect? Oh Hell no! Do I still grumble every time my alarm goes off for an early morning workout? You bet. But I’m showing up, and that counts for something. Week 3 might not make me feel like a fitness model, but I’m moving forward, and that’s better than standing still or losing ground.
Food: The Frenemy
Ah, food. You beautiful, complicated beast. We have such a love-hate relationship, don’t we? I love food, but food loves to stick around in all the wrong places (around my waistline, to be exact).
Here’s the thing: Week 3 is tough because the novelty of eating healthy is wearing off, and the cravings for old habits (ice cream) start creeping back in. I’ve been there this week. I made the mistake of thinking I could “guess at” my portion sizes, and well, let’s just say my eyeballs are apparently filthy liars. There’s a reason they tell you to use a scale or measure your food, and I got reminded of that the hard way.
But hey, no one’s perfect, right? The key is recognizing when you’re slipping up and getting back on track as fast as you can. So, I went back to my food prep, got the Tupperware out, and did my best to get things under control. It’s not glamorous, but neither is gaining weight when you’re supposed to be losing it. (eeks)
The Mental Game
If there’s one thing that Week 3 has taught me, it’s that this whole weight loss thing is way more mental than physical. Sure, the workouts are tough and the meal planning takes effort, but the real battle is in my head. I’ve had days where I just felt like throwing in the towel. Those are the days when it’s easy to think, What’s the point? Why not just accept being a little heavier and live your life? (Because your Doc says you are Morbidly Obese, remember? Duh.)
But then I remember why I started this in the first place. It’s not about trying to fit into some unrealistic mold. It’s about feeling better, having more energy, and maybe fitting into that pair of jeans that’s been mocking me from the back of the closet. I’m not trying to be bodybuilders Arnold or Lou, here; I just want to be healthy and happy. And that’s worth fighting for, even when it feels like I’m a losing battle.
The Small Wins
You know what? In the midst of all the ups and downs, I’ve got to remind myself to celebrate the small wins. Sure, I might not be where I want to be yet, but I’ve made progress. I’ve stuck with my workouts, I’ve mostly stuck to eating right, and I haven’t thrown in the towel. That’s something and it’s good.
So, yeah, maybe I’m still carrying a little extra weight, but I’m carrying it with a lot more awareness and effort than I was three weeks ago. And that’s progress. It might not be happening as fast as I want, but it’s happening. I’m in it for the long haul, and that’s what matters.
Final Thought
Week 3 has been a reality check, no doubt about it. But here’s the thing: it’s just one week. There’s always another week ahead, another opportunity to get better, and another chance to make healthier choices. So, if you’re in the same boat as me — feeling a little overwhelmed, put out, frustrated, maybe even a little defeated — just remember, it’s not over. Not by a long shot.
We’ve got this, folks. Let’s keep pushing forward, one day at a time, one meal at a time, and maybe one less donut at a time (unless it’s a really good donut, then we’ll just hit the streets and walk an extra mile or two.
Dean Benson, “The Dean Of Rock & Roll” SKY7music.com middays on the “Only Classic Rock Channel”.