The Let Down of a Vacation Ending.

Does anyone else feel let down after returning from a vacation? It has been a long time since I have taken time off. Oh, a day or two here and there, but not a real "vacation". Well, I was able to get away for 5 whole days just recently. It was very nice, we got to see some relatives I was missing a lot, and we went to Carlsbad, CA. to a hotel there that we really liked in the past. It was nice as always, but inflation is catching up with them. They charged us a $25/night parking fee, (not previous), and the free breakfast was now reduced to muffins, bagels, croissants, and juice. Oh well, we got over that. We really like Carlsbad, in general, it is artsy, and lots of Mom & Pop shops and restaurants. I like to have something besides big chains. The beach there is great, and my wife and daughter loved it. We did the touristy stuff, mainly Universal Studios, which has been upgraded since we were there last, with Harry Potter stuff, and enhancements to the park overall. Very nice. Being a bit older, I can still walk like crazy, but the zombie shuffle that you have to do took its toll on my wife and me. We were beaten when we got done there.
Now the title. Yes, I felt let down when we got home. I had to go right to work the next morning, ok, gotta work for the money, etc. However, when I got to work, I had a ton of emails to sort through, a few customers that wanted exactly what we didn't have, (totally inflexible), and I have to re-schedule some training classes I had signed up for that were filled.
None of that is a big deal in itself, BUT, piled on top of each other, and my relaxed state, I had a hard time getting back in the rhythm of the workaday world. I am getting a bit older and close to retirement age, and that also is weighing on my mind. So, it has been a rough day, getting back to the swing of working.
I guess I feel let down, I thought I could roll back in and get to my normal pace. WRONG! I should have taken one more day, so I could recuperate from the time off and get my head back in the game BEFORE coming back to work.
Well, here I am, doing what I do, hoping for the best. I guess I am ok now. Does anyone else feel like this after a nice time off?
Dean Benson, "The Dean Of Rock & Roll" form