Damn, I Am Fat Again: Week 2

Damn, I Am Fat Again:  Week 2
Stop and read please!

Howdy again, friends, family, fiends, foes, and all you funky folks!

Welcome back to my rant about life’s ups, downs, and everything in between. For today’s article I want to talk again about losing weight… I hope you saw my last story about how I got hit with the bad news about being “Morbidly Obese”. Yep, it’s round two on my journey, and I thought I’d share what I’ve learned so far this time around. If you caught my last post, you’ll know I’m no stranger to the challenges of staying on track with my weight and its challenges. This time, I’m hoping my experience will resonate with those of you who find yourselves back at square one, frightened, angry, depressed, but ready to give it yet another try.

The Reality Check: Why I’m Back at It

Let’s start with the billion-dollar question: why am I here again, facing the scale like it’s an enemy? Well, life happens. Jobs change, routines get disrupted, and suddenly, those old habits creep (or roar),back in. I went from eating better and moving more to catching myself reaching for that bag of chips late at night and doing nothing to get any exercise. You know, the classic “I’m just too tired” or whatever line/excuse comes to mind that turns into a belly full of snacks and Burger King, McDonalds, and the like.

It’s not that the first attempt was a failure — far from it! I lost 66 lbs in 2013, and was much healthier. I made some real progress, learned a lot. But maintaining that weight? Now, that’s the real challenge, isn’t it? So, here I am, learning that weight loss, like most things in life, isn’t a straight line. It’s more like Led Zeppelin’s Stairway To Heaven, with ups, downs, and a few surprising guitar solos and riffs that throw you off.

Taking Stock of What Worked (And What Didn’t)

This time, I had to take a long, hard look at what I did before and figure out what actually made a difference. Some things were real game-changers — stuff like tracking what I ate and being totally mindful of portion sizes. If I’m honest, I never realized just how many calories could sneak into a “healthy” snack until I started logging it all.

On the flip side, there were things I tried before that just didn’t stick. Like running. Oh boy, running is great for some folks, but for me? It felt like torture, so I modified it to walking briskly. I’m more of a “take a long walk while listening to classic rock or a great comedian” kind of guy. So, this time around, I’m focusing on small amounts of exercise that don’t make me dread putting on my sneakers. It’s about making it sustainable, and normal,not not debilitating. I do get a lot of steps in at work, (car sales at a large dealership), so that helps me a lot. BUT that’s not enough, clearly!

The Power of Consistency… and Self-Forgiveness

One thing I’ve found is that the secret to losing weight the second time around — or any time, really — is consistency. I’m not talking about hitting the gym seven days a week or surviving on celery and carrot sticks. It’s more about those daily habits that add up over time and are repeatable and continuing. Things like swapping out soda for water, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking far away “for the sake of my car’s door dings”, yeah right, it’s actually for my health and step count.

But let’s not forget the other part of this equation: forgiveness. Alcoholics know this all too well, it’s so very easy to backslide. It’s way too easy to roll back into bad habits, they make you feel good for a short time, but not forever. So, we all slip up. There’s always going to be that party where you eat too much or that stressful day when you give in to ice cream or some other comfort food. The key is not to let those moments spiral into a “well, I blew it, might as well give up” mentality. Instead, I remind myself that one bad day doesn’t erase the good ones. You get back on track, and you keep moving forward. Remember one, “aw, crap” doesn’t lose all of your “attaboys”! (Having a bit of O.C.D. doesn’t help me at all. I usually run on all or nothing. This just won’t work to sustain a healthy lifestyle, it can help lose weight fast, but not forever.)

The Role of Distraction, Music, Comedy and Your Personal Motivation

Now, you know I couldn’t talk about any journey without bringing music or comedy into the mix. For me, the right playlist can turn a mundane walk around the block into a cool time-out. It’s amazing how much a good rock anthem can pump you up, even if you’re just rolling through the neighborhood. Music has this way of getting you out of your head and into the rhythm of moving and grooving, making it feel less like exercise and more like fun. I also love comedy, and I like to pick out a favorite comic and listen to his or her album, or a whole comedy special. (If you hear my internet radio show, linked below, you know I love comedy, from my “Dean-isms”.

If you’re starting your own second (or however many times) weight loss journey, I highly recommend making a playlist that gets you in the right frame of mind. It’s like having a personal hype man in your earbuds, pushing you through those moments when you’d rather be chilling out on the couch. And trust me, nothing beats a little heavy metal classic rock when you’re looking for that extra push. (My wife and kids think I am nuts, I like a little Motorhead, Dio, Judas Priest, and the like for getting pumped, but I like the standards, Dean Martin, Tony Bennet, Frank Sinatra for winding down.) I am an eclectic listener!

Changing the Mindset: It’s Not Just About the Scale

One of the biggest shifts I’ve made this time around is focusing less on the numbers and more on how I feel. Last time, I was obsessed with the scale, and counting calories, and let me tell you, those little numbers can really mess with your head. You can do everything right, eat well, work out, and still see the scale refuse to budge some days. It’s frustrating and discouraging. Try to remember, muscle weighs more than fat, and when you exercise you put on muscle. So the scale is sometimes not our friend.

So, what’s different this time? I’m going to pay attention to other signs of progress — like having more energy, even if it is a tiny bit, sleeping better, (wow, am I!) and even noticing after just 5 days that I am finding my pants a bit looser, tightening my belt one notch, etc. It’s not always about what you lose but what you gain in terms of your overall quality of life and sense of accomplishment. The scale and calorie counting is just one piece of the puzzle, not the whole picture.

Setting Realistic Goals (And Celebrating Wins)

Another lesson learned? Setting goals that make sense for where I am right now, not where I think I should be. Instead of aiming to lose 25 pounds in a month (which, spoiler alert, is a recipe for a hard and lengthy burnout and not at all healthy), I’m focusing on more manageable targets, like losing 2 pounds a week or walking with my wife three times a week. These little wins add up, and each one gives you a bit more confidence to keep going. I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I see those small things rockin’ right along with me.

And speaking of wins, I’ve learned to celebrate those small victories. Got through a workout I didn’t want to do? That’s a win. Choose a healthier snack or just say no when temptation strikes? Another win. It’s easy to focus on how far you have to go, but sometimes, you’ve got to look back and see how far you’ve already come.

Finding Some Support: You’re Not Alone!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from sharing my journey, it’s that a lot of us are in the same boat. It’s easy to feel like you’re the only one struggling with weight loss, especially in a world full of highlight reels and Facebook miracle transformations. But the truth is, millions of us have been there, done that, and are right there with you, fighting the same overwhelming battles.

This time around, I’m making an effort to lean on my support system — family, friends, and even some online communities. There’s something about knowing you’re not alone that makes the process a little less daunting. So, if you’re reading this and you’re also on your second (or third or fourth) attempt at losing weight, know that I’m cheering you on. We’ve got this, one step at a time. As my kids say, “I got you!” Most of the apps you track your progress with will have a “community” section, those are very nice.

Wrapping It Up: It’s a Journey, Not a Race

So, what’s the endgame here, folks? Losing weight, especially the second time around, isn’t about chasing some perfect end goal. It’s about learning, adapting, and finding what works for you. It’s about understanding that setbacks don’t mean failure — they’re just part of the process. And most importantly, it’s about being kind to yourself along the way.

This journey may not be easy, but with a little rock & roll, maybe a good comic to listen to, a lot of patience, and some good old-fashioned determination, we’ll get there. And who knows? Maybe next time, I’ll have some new insights to share as I continue to figure this whole healthy living thing out.

Until then, keep on rockin’, and remember:

“It’s never too late to start all over again.” (John Kay and Steppenwolf)

Dean Benson, “The Dean Of Rock & Roll” SKY7music.com middays on the “Only Classic Rock Channel”. Please see my day-job page, www.deanscarfamily.com.